Grant-Seeker Academy
The PTI Grant-Seeker Academy offers professional development and technical assistance for potential grantees pursuing ATE funding. College teams will not only be mentored on developing competitive proposals but also encouraged to incorporate BILT’s essential elements into their approach. BILT model adoption will ensure new ATE projects benefit from strategic employer engagement from the outset.
PTI Grant-Seeker Academy Cohort 4
Eligibility and Funding
- Any community or technical college planning to include strategic employer engagement as an essential component of their proposed project may apply.
- All types of ATE proposals are supported by the Grant-Seeker Academy, with the exception of national center grants.
- Any community or technical college may apply for participation, regardless of submission or award history with the NSF-ATE program.
Applicant colleges must commit to:
Develop and submit an initial grant concept that is innovative and in-demand by employers in the college’s region. The concept must align with the NSF ATE Program.
Identify a grant team that includes:
- College faculty member or administrator as the primary point of contact/team lead. This person commits to actively participating in all portions of the PTI Grant-Seeker Academy and agrees to commit the necessary time for proposal completion and submission.
- A second college team member who is also invested in the proposal concept and who commits to actively participate as part of the Academy team.
At least one team member must be faculty in the discipline(s) related to the proposal concept. - A grants office team member to support the Academy team throughout the proposal development process. If such an office does not exist at your college, please indicate this in your application.
All team members must agree to:
- Participate in biweekly mentoring sessions with an experienced PTI mentor during the period from acceptance to the workshop.
- Participate in a face-to-face workshop on May 29–31, 2024, in Dallas, Texas. Funds for travel will be provided for two members from each college team.
- Participate in six, one-hour virtual training sessions focused on different sections of the ATE proposal during summer 2024.
- Participate in weekly mentoring calls, biweekly through July and weekly thereafter until submission.
- Complete and submit the college proposal at least a day before the due date.
- Provide a full PDF copy of your submitted proposal to the PTI Leadership Team.
PTI Grant-Seeker Academy teams will benefit from:
- All training and mentoring described above.
- A detailed critical review by a member of the PTI leadership team of proposal drafts that are at least 80% complete by September 9, 2024. All PTI leadership team members are experienced in developing and reviewing competitive ATE proposals. This review and feedback will allow teams to address concerns prior to submission.
Cohort applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. PTI leadership will contact applicants if additional information is needed. Colleges selected will be notified upon acceptance, and all will be notified on or before March 15, 2024. Mentoring will begin no later than April 1, 2024.
To ask questions about the Academy program or application, please contact:
Liz Ahlers
PTI Grant-Seeker Academy Coordinator
Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD)