One-Page Pre-Proposal Guidelines

One-Page Pre-Proposal Guidelines

The 1-page Pre-Proposal will be used to determine the merit of your grant proposal idea in relation to the purposes and guidelines of NSF’s
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. It should be a concise statement of your proposed project’s scope, possible activities and
potential impact.
More specifically, the pre-proposal should be 1 page, single -spaced, using 11 or 12 pt. font and should include the following specific

  • The faculty who will be involved
  • The target population for project activities
  • A brief description of the project (activities, time line, required resources, etc.)
  • Alignment to the goals of the ATE program. See the following document for specific ATE Guidelines.
  • Since an important emphasis in the ATE grants is workforce need, be sure to include how your proposal will address workforce needs
    in the region you serve.
One-Page Pre-Proposal Guidelines

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